Tour of Corsica by electric bike: Who is this former foreign legion convict and why is he continuing his crusade?

Immerse yourself in the heart of the extraordinary adventure of a former Foreign Legion convict who sets off on an electric bike for a Tour of Corsica rich in emotions and challenges. Discover the incredible destiny of this man of unwavering courage and limitless determination.

Tour of Corsica by electric bike: Who is this former foreign legion convict and why is he continuing his crusade?

Since 2015, a man named Michel Trouvain has undertaken a tour of Corsica on an electric bike, drawing attention to his astonishing journey and his determination to share his story. This former convict of the Foreign Legion is well known for his fight against the injustices he suffered in the seventies in the proof section of the Foreign Legion.

A painful story brought to light

It was in 2015 that the existence of this fascinating man was revealed in the book entitled “The Test”, published by Henri Allainmatt in 1977. Since then, Michel Trouvain has spoken on several occasions, seeking to bear witness to what he experienced as well as the experience of many other disciplinarians.

The former disciplinarian traveled across Corsica on an electric bike, in order to raise public awareness of the injustices he endured and the little-known history of the foreign legion penal colony in Corte. Its ultimate goal is to have the atrocities that took place in this testing section officially recognized.

A crusade for the truth

Michel Trouvain, now 73 years old, is more determined than ever to continue his crusade. He even went on a hunger strike to draw attention to his cause, especially during the Covid-19 crisis. His goal is that this story never falls into oblivion and that the authorities recognize the atrocities that were committed.

But he doesn’t just cycle across Corsica to draw attention to his fight. Michel Trouvain is also engaged in a parallel quest: increasing smaller pensions. He is collecting signatures in registers to support this cause, which is close to his heart and to many other citizens.

A tour of Corsica by electric bike for memory

Having left Bastia in the direction of Bonifacio, Michel Trouvain has already traveled the entire eastern coast of the island. He is currently on the western slope, alternating between breaks and overnight stops. His electric bike, specially designed for this tour of Corsica, allows him to enjoy a certain comfort during his long days of travel.

In addition to his bike, Michel Trouvain carries two registers where people can sign in favor of increasing smaller pensions. This parallel quest shows his commitment to a broader cause, while continuing to raise awareness about the little-known history of the Foreign Legion penal colony in Corte.

A man determined to make his voice heard

Michel Trouvain is a man of exceptional courage. Despite the years that have passed since his traumatic experience, he remains determined to have the truth recognized and obtain the justice he believes he deserves. His tour of Corsica on an electric bike is a way for him to share his story, to draw attention to past injustices and to preserve the memory of those who suffered in the penal colony of the Foreign Legion.

Thanks to his commitment, Michel Trouvain hopes that the highest authorities of the State will eventually officially recognize what happened in the foreign legion testing section. His electric bike tour of Corsica is an act of resistance, living proof that the truth cannot be ignored and that history must be preserved.

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